42 logical diagram vs physical diagram
Sometimes, I can't believe that I spent four years in university writing proofs for macroeconomic theories, building quantitative financial models, and learning about why people love Apple. I can easily say that the knowledge required for my work today is vastly different from what I studied back then. While the content was ...interesting, the real value I gained were the systems I developed: * **Systems of learning** to improve my meta-learning – my ability to learn new things. * **Systems o...
I actually had this written down on a private post to myself but it keeps getting pushed down my own wall as I make new posts so I will post here presently. Just wanted to post where I'm at currently in my theories upon Idealism/nonduality. The idea is simply to get across certain philosophical ideas in a way which literally anybody would be able to understand. Because of this, throughout I will use "dualistic" terminology to explain "nonduality" largely. It doesn't matter what this means so m...
Entries in this series (note: this link does not work properly in old Reddit): https://www.reddit.com/r/lds/collection/11be9581-6e2e-4837-9ed4-30f5e37782b2 *** Just a quick reminder: visitors are welcome, but please remember to be respectful of the community here and to follow the sub’s rules when commenting. Any comments that violate the rules will be removed and may potentially earn you a ban. You are welcome to disagree with me, especially when it comes to the Book of Mormon geography quest...

Logical diagram vs physical diagram
This was a very compelling book. I could not put it down. I do not usually read murder mystery/thriller type of books, but I will offer my two cents nonetheless. The protagonist (or antagonist?) of this story is a mathematics teacher and a highly skilled mathematics researcher as well. My roommate gave me this book because I am very involved with mathematics myself. The book is filled with stereotypes people have about mathematicians. Unfortunately, most of these stereotypes are not really very...
Data flow diagrams (DFDs) are categorized as either logical or physical. A logical DFD focuses on the business and how the business operates. It describes the business events that take place and the data required and produced by each event. On the other hand, a physical DFD shows how the system will be implemented. Here are the main differences between logical and physical DFD:
Hello everyone! In an effort to keep the subreddit and its wiki filled with good and useful information, we are compiling guides for the main lifts (deadlift, squat, bench, potentially others). These guides will be added to the wiki and posted as posts as they are completed. The goal of these guides is to provide basic lift information, descriptions of some common variations, equipment considerations, related and complimentary exercises, additional resources for further reading, and to showcas...
Logical diagram vs physical diagram.
Sometimes, I can't believe that I spent four years in university writing proofs for macroeconomic theories, building quantitative financial models, and learning about why people love Apple. I can easily say that the knowledge required for my work today is vastly different from what I studied back then. While the content was ...interesting, the real value I gained were the systems I developed: * **Systems of learning** to improve my meta-learning – my ability to learn new things. * **Systems o...
Hi all, I spent some time composing this as a reply to a post ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/inovxq/why\_big\_navi\_only\_being\_3070\_performance\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/inovxq/why_big_navi_only_being_3070_performance_is/) ) and thought it might be worth posting generally. Corrections, discussion and thoughts welcome! There has been some speculation regarding the number of CUs for the largest Navi 2X part (with 80 and 72 being common) and some speculation on die ...
Hey everyone, I’m Bill and I’m currently in my 2nd year of a BBiomed single degree here at Monash. A few months ago, I’ve put up an expression of interest for a biomed + chem study skills post à la allevana and luneax, but man, I’ve been swamped with uni work for the past 9 weeks (thank you very much Monash for that 3/4 sem break /s). I’ll write a quick paragraph on every single subject I did, but mainly focusing on pitfalls to beware of because these are probably the most valuable for future st...
\- Hey all, is this a thorough enough explanation of my virtue-existentialist ethics? Is it coherent & consistent? Does it show where I think virtues come from and how they should be applied? What do you think? (I know it's very long, so sorry if this isn't the right sub-reddit for this, let me know if you know of a better one) \- ## Major Influences >In *After Virtue*, MacIntyre tries to explain another element of what is missing in modern life through his use of the concept of a *p...
An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a pictorial representation of the information that can be captured by a database. Such a “picture” serves two purposes. It allows database professionals to describe an overall design concisely yet accurately. An ER Diagram can be easily transformed into the relational schema. There are three components in ERD: Entities, Attributes, and Relationships. Entities The number of tables you need for your database – Entities is the basic objects of ERDs. These are the tables of your database, i.e. students, courses, books, campus, employees, payment, projects. A specific example of an entity is called an instance. Each instance becomes a record or a row in a table. Attributes Information such as property, facts you need to describe each table – Attributes are facts or descriptions of entities. They are also often nouns and become the columns of the table. For example, for entity students, the attributes can be first name, last name, email, address, an...
Note: I take Pure Chem + Bio. All Physics tips are courtesy of my classmates and this community ([https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/qqr4pn/o\_levels\_pure\_physicscombined\_science\_p1\_tips/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/qqr4pn/o_levels_pure_physicscombined_science_p1_tips/)) ​ 3rd last exam day till the end. Might be your last day for some. Either way, hope you had a good rest yesterday. Pure Physics starts at 8am, so make sure to head to school earlier. &a...
Sometimes, I can't believe that I spent four years in university writing proofs for macroeconomic theories, building quantitative financial models, and learning about why people love Apple. I can easily say that the knowledge required for my work today is vastly different from what I studied back then. While the content was ...interesting, the real value I gained were the systems I developed: * **Systems of learning** to improve my meta-learning – my ability to learn new things. * **Systems o...
Hello, people. Can you help me debunk some creationist arguments against evolution? I already know the answers to argument 1 and arguments 2, but i don't know how to respond to the rest of the arguments. Last time, the moderator of r/DebateEvolution told me that my publication didn't contain enough information, so this time i decided to copy and paste the text from the website, instead of only giving link to the website. The text is copied from Conservapedia, you will see the link to the Con...
Terrible awful no good video that will make you want to die: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgJoLw-wjmY&list=PLJNBVUtHMVggImrKlz8mlQrmRHFMbnMTk&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgJoLw-wjmY&list=PLJNBVUtHMVggImrKlz8mlQrmRHFMbnMTk&index=1) ​ Comment: >*Going through this in it's entirety has only further confirmed my earlier opinion on how totally malformed it was. Your attempt at setting standards and "objective criteria" for "good" philosophy is disastr...
Sometimes, I can't believe that I spent four years in university writing proofs for macroeconomic theories, building quantitative financial models, and learning about why people love Apple. I can easily say that the knowledge required for my work today is vastly different from what I studied back then. While the content was ...interesting, the real value I gained were the systems I developed: * **Systems of learning** to improve my meta-learning – my ability to learn new things. * **Systems o...
Sometimes, I can't believe that I spent four years in university writing proofs for macroeconomic theories, building quantitative financial models, and learning about why people love Apple. I can easily say that the knowledge required for my work today is vastly different from what I studied back then. While the content was ...interesting, the real value I gained were the systems I developed: * **Systems of learning** to improve my meta-learning – my ability to learn new things. * **Systems o...
Sometimes, I can't believe that I spent four years in university writing proofs for macroeconomic theories, building quantitative financial models, and learning about why people love Apple. I can easily say that the knowledge required for my work today is vastly different from what I studied back then. While the content was ...interesting, the real value I gained were the systems I developed: * **Systems of learning** to improve my meta-learning – my ability to learn new things. * **Systems o...
The physical data flow diagram depicts how the system will be designed. Usually, physical data flow diagrams are much more dynamic than logical data flow diagrams, largely because of the multiple data stores existing in a system. The processes reflect the applications, the components for the software and the manual protocols.
Jul 30, 2020 · What are the differences between logical and physical network diagrams? Logical Network Diagrams. A logical network diagram describes how information flows through a network. Logical diagrams typically show subnets (including VLAN IDs, masks, and addresses), routers, firewalls, and its routing protocols.
Diagramming networks accurately relies on understanding the underlying topologies. Topologies describe the layout of elements in a network and the connections between them. There are a few main types of network topologies, which can apply to both physical and logical network layouts. While the topic is thoroughly covered in other articles, it’s worth reiterating the basic topology types. A star topology arranges nodes around a central hub. In a bus topology, devices are arranged along a line, with data flowing in one direction. In a ring topology, each node is connected only to the ones on either side, so data flows in a circle. Other possible topologies include dual-ring, which allows data to flow two directions in a circle, a tree topology with a branching structure, and a mesh topology where individual nodes are connected to multiple other nodes. Each of these topologies has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of data flow, efficiency, cost, and other factors. As is further...
Sometimes, I can't believe that I spent four years in university writing proofs for macroeconomic theories, building quantitative financial models, and learning about why people love Apple. I can easily say that the knowledge required for my work today is vastly different from what I studied back then. While the content was ...interesting, the real value I gained were the systems I developed: * **Systems of learning** to improve my meta-learning – my ability to learn new things. * **Systems o...
Sometimes, I can't believe that I spent four years in university writing proofs for macroeconomic theories, building quantitative financial models, and learning about why people love Apple. I can easily say that the knowledge required for my work today is vastly different from what I studied back then. While the content was ...interesting, the real value I gained were the systems I developed: * **Systems of learning** to improve my meta-learning – my ability to learn new things. * **Systems o...
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